In 2020, as COVID hit, Learning took a required Pivot. We adjusted, adapted, stretched, scratched and evolved Learning for the Pandemic Times.
Now, in 2022, as Pandemic is hopefully decreasing, is it time for Learning and Learning Leaders to take a Pivot, Again?
In conversations with Chief Learning Officers, it is clear that organizations are experimenting with Learning Pivots such as:
Course Formats: Will organizations shift to Face to Face vs. Virtual class gatherings?
Learning Event Duration: Many classes went from 2 days duration to several hours in virtual delivery mode. Are learners wanting shorter events.
Does Hybrid Learning Work: While hybrid work formats are continuing, with employees mixing time at the office with working from home, do Hybrid Learning Events Work? Can we deliver virtually and in-person at the same time?
Will Conferences Resume - & In What Style: I have spent over 30 years producing learning and technology conferences. And, in the past two years, most national events have either been canceled or radically re-framed as online. But, what is the future of internal or external conferences? Will the conference centers and exhibit halls stay empty or will there be new models?
Coaching Has Expanded - Is it Scalable?: Major organizations have increased and evolved the role of Coaching during these past 2 years. Microsoft has made it one of their 3 leadership strategies for their workforce. And, some groups have advocated new models for scaling coaching so that it touches the entire enterprise. What is ahead?
The Great Resignation - Implications for Learning?: How must Learning Pivot to cope with the large scale resignations, retirements and career shifts? Does Learning retain key staff? Can we accelerate learning to adjust for massive on-boarding and shorter job stints?
Empathy is a Key Learning Pivot! Empathy is not Sympathy! It is recognizing the differing realities of the workforce. Many of our teams are fairly “stunned” after the 2 years of Pandemic experience. Others are wanting clarity about the next chapters for their careers and roles. And, many have made significant shifts and growths in these challenging times. Empathy in Learning is Key!
Metaverse, AI, Machine Learning and Even Crypto - Learning Pivots? There are so many evolving technologies - from the Metaverse to AI to the interest in Cryptocurrency. How does Learning Pivot to understand, contextualize and build readiness in our workforce for these evolving technologies? Can a learning professional with 20 years experience “grok” these tech innovations?
Am I Ready to Pivot? Yes, this question is about YOU!
What is our own desire, capability and willingness to embrace and lead Learning Pivots? This is a time for us to reflect on each of the topics above. How ready are we to strategically explore the “NEW” - while also not losing the wisdom, knowledge and effectiveness of the “OLD”.
2022 will be a Learning Pivot year for organizations and learning leaders. I am excited to hear from NOTES readers about your own perception of the Learning Pivot decisions and strategies that are ahead for you. Send me an email to
Yours in Learning,
Elliott Masie
MASIE Innovations