Elliott is a major fan of LEGO! The ability to assemble and re-assemble LEGO blocks of different sizes, shapes and colors fuels my creativity and experimentation.
Learners are saying: “We Want LEGO for Learning!”
Think of a learning activity, developmental experience or a class/course - it is a construction with different BLOCKS:
Video Content
Written Content
Illustrations and Graphics
Context Stories
Assessment or Simulation Elements
And more…
The learning designer has wonderfully assembled an elegant structure for the activity that might look like:
But, learners might not want, need, desire or have the time to follow the activity structure. They may want to search for and access a detailed Infographic that is embedded in the course.
The learner asks and may find out these content rules:
Learner must only access the information in the module by module sequence.
Content may not be separated, stored or shared outside the course.
Organizations may not add, delete or revise content to personalize it.
Individual blocks of content are not numbered or tagged individually for search.
And, deep innovation may be prohibited. What if several employees who took a delegation skills course wanted to take all the blocks of content but create a totally different structure. What if they were curious about a Knowledge Sphere:
Knowledge is Dynamic!
Employees are wanting to have access to learning resources in an agile, re-usable and modifiable way.
Organizations are wanting the ability to blend, mix and personalize content from third-party learning suppliers with internal and company-specific context.
Learning resources that are sharable with other colleagues is a real win!
Learning LEGO will allow our employees to use, shape and reference content in forms that make sense at their moments of need or curiosities. LEGO can evolve our learning resources, using existing content, for the next configuration that drives engagement, support and performance:
Yours in Learning,
Elliott Masie
MASIE Innovations, Inc.
I love the LEGO learning concept Elliott! This is perfect for learners and organizations who want to have structure yet flexibility that is so needed in these times!