Dear Father (Harry Hans Masie):
I am writing to you on this election day of 2024. While you passed away in 1976, you have been my moral and political guide for the 74 years of my life.
You had to leave Berlin in 1938, on a few hours notice, as the Nazi’s had put you on a list to arrest that afternoon and take to a Concentration Camp. Why? You were a young Jewish chemist, forced to work on food preservation for the Bayer company since 1933, as you arranged to get your parents and sisters out of Germany with difficulty.
I had the honor of interviewing you for 20 hours in my senior year of college, for a course on World War II. I wish there were recordings of your thoughts, perspectives and history, but my memory keeps them alive. And, they come to mind as America decides what it will become today.
“Dad, how did the Germans vote for Hitler? Didn’t they know what their plans were?”
“Elliott, they knew! They defined the Jews as the “migrants of the 1930’s”. They made good people fear the Jews. They said in books, speeches and even jokes, what they would do to the Jews and others - as they asked the average German to Help Make Germany Great Again!”
“Dad, did the German population know about the Concentration Camps, where we lost 17 relatives after your escape?”
”Elliott, they didn’t know the specific details … yet they knew that life in Germany would change, democracy would disappear and violent words and philosophies would reign. Elliott, read and listen to what aspiring dictators say - they are telling you the truth about tomorrow.”
Throughout my life, I have worked for social justice across both political parties. I was a youth organizer for Robert Kennedy’s campaign for president. I then worked for Senator Goddell, the Republican that replaced Bobby after his assignation. I lobbied for civil rights, women’s rights and the end of apartheid in South Africa. I knocked on doors, marched, led student rallies to bring the war in Vietnam to a peaceful ending and more. I voted for Democrats and Republicans.
I served on the Central Intelligence Agency’s Board of Advisors for their University. Served under presidents of both parties and was an unpaid advisor on how diplomats and intelligence agents could be trained and developed. Dad, I quit on the first day of Trump’s first presidency, when he stood in front of the stars in the lobby of the CIA HQ, where agents who could not be identified were honored with stars. Trump used that location to brag about the size of his crowds and insulted the intelligence community’s importance.
“Dad, I usually would see elections as a great moment of choice, where voters would choose their next president and both candidates respected the process. But, today is different - very different!”
As a man, I fear for the loss of reproductive rights for American women and men. As an American, I fear for the impact on Nato and World Alliances. As an American, I shudder at Trump’s affection for dictators including Putin. As the son of 2 immigrants, I cannot believe that the Republican Party would make them the “German Jews” of 2024.
And, as a 74 year old, I fear for the policies that Project 2025 has laid out that would impact the heart and structure of America. I shudder at the idea that Musk would be in charge of government funding and Robert Kennedy Jr would be in charge of heath and vaccine policies.
My friends, I don’t believe that a letter from anyone will change votes. But, my father told me to listen and be clear about the dangers of autocrats and dictators. I asked him: “Were their good Germans?” He said that the Nazi’s understood how to make the good Germans scared and therefore supportive of the cruelty that was announced and sadly carried out.”
May we look at the people in our lives, families and communities with a sense of what America is becoming.
Ask yourself if the words on the Statue of Liberty will still be true and valued?
Consider what you would say to a young girl in her teens about the rights she will have (or not have) about her own reproductive choices in life?
Challenge yourself if you would ever select Trump to be a CEO or member of the Board of Directors of your company?
Would we ever respect a President who called war veterans like John McCain who were captured, “cowards”?
I understand that many of the people that receive my Note may disagree or be confused by these comments.
In a democracy, let us all say clearly what we are feeling and concerned about. I cannot go silent today. My vote and my voice are in harmony.
“Father, thank you for your guidance, strength and love.”
Yours in learning,
Elliott Masie
It may be dangerous to speak out but we can’t remain silent and say that we would have opposed Hitler and his actions. . This is the plea I posted several weeks ago with that thought in mind.
Many of you know I coach executives and CEOs and I get to work with incredible leaders but I also get hired for last chance cases to determine if someone is coachable and can be changed. Sometimes those leaders just have deep wounds and deep defenses. I can coach them. In other cases, the leader suffers from narcissistic personality disorder or some other issue that is not coachable. In my analysis I can say that Trump is not a healthy leader and is uncoachable.
I’m not asking people to vote for Harris. As a psychologist I’m asking people to not put someone into power who is psychologically unhealthy.
As a psychologist he is a classic narcissist but at a very scary level. His mental framework is “I’m OK, You are Not Ok” but for Trump “You” is not a few people as it is with many narcissist. It is everyone that is not him.
He cannot speak without demeaning others. Even those who are friends. As soon as they disagree with him, they are whatever demeaning label he throws at them.
Trump has told us numerous times that anyone who is not rich is a “loser” and not worth his time. He is not the supporter of the average American. We know that behind closed doors he demeans his followers. No one is immune.
He only wants your vote so he doesn’t go to jail. Trump is acting completely from fear because he knows if he doesn’t get elected he will be held accountable. He is desperate to be President to pardon himself. He does not care about you or anyone but himself.
I just ask you to listen to his speeches and track how many minutes are spent bragging about how great he is. Track how much time is spent on berating anyone who does not agree with him. Notice how that bullying is getting worse and darker.
Please do research on the economy, immigration and the other areas that concern you. Will we address these issues with a leader motived by what is best for the whole or what is best for the one?
Well written, I learned from this. I appreciate your thinking and historical perspective. Bravo.