Such a resonant story. Back to school was always numinous! We all had our favorite school supplies. Mine was a zip up binder. I love that you have us thinking about the equivalents in our grown-up lives in learning.

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Love your "back to school" energy! I certainly missed and looked forward to school. I wonder at what point someone totally unenthused about the return begins to accept it and maybe comes to enjoy it, and how to help that attitude and engagement shift happen. And if it does not happen, but the person is "filling a seat" and filtering the info or experiences being pumped through them...what is the best outcome that a learning provider or supporter can aim for?

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The question for me is, why did we stop learning in the summer? I did not share your joy of the classroom and the hierarchical nature of the classroom and power of a teacher to destroy a child's esteem. I was always sad the summer was over. and wanted to follow the sun.

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Adrian... I do worry why we stopped learning in the summer. I LOVED Summer Weekly Reader, that came every week and kept my brain going. I guess I was lucky - my public school experience in NYC was pretty awesome. Great teachers and schools. But, I do wish summer kept going and as you said, we could follow the sun. Warm hellos, Elliott

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